Claims Release Note for Friday 21st April, 2023

  1. Addition of Professional Fee to the Pile Claim Export

  1. Addition of Professional Fee to the Pay Advice (PDF & Excel)

  1. Fix for Pile Status Not Updating According to Status of Claims in the Pile

  1. Fix for Tariff Export Button on Databoss not Responding or Downloading
  2. Fix for Provider's Tariff Export Incorrect Variation
  3. Create Migration to make Insurance Number unique on Enrollees table.
  4. Nova Settings to allow Insurer use Enrollee Insurance ID Autogeneration feature

  1. API Endpoint to fetch Enrollee detail
  2. Resolve for Missing Jubilee Kenya Claims on Nova from the HMO Portal
  3. Weird Behaviour Resolve for Populated Provider List After Applying the Filter for Providers with Code on the HMO Details on Nova
  4. Fix for Error while saving Enrollee with deleted Insurance Numbers
  5. Inability to Edit Tariff Items set at 0 during PA creation on the Provider Portal

  1. Email Notification to Existing Principals for Dependant Addition

  1. Dependant Limit Addition Based on Plan the Enrollee is On

  1. Fix for Pile Status Not Updating According to Status of Claims in the Pile
  2. Fix for Error loading Pile list on Jubilee account new frontend
  3. Show Proper Error Message when Duplicate Insurance Number is used to create an Enrollee

  1. Ability for Med-Ops staff to see who worked on Manually Vetted Claims from Jubilee