Grow Product Release Note Monday 8th August, 2022


  1. Validation error when updating password fixed.

  1. Attachment upload as multipart/forma-data in OAS described
  2. New account will be moved to partner's account after verification.

  1. Partners will receive an Email notification showing that their account has been verified.
  2. The subject of NotifyPartnerOnPolicyCreated has changed.
  3. Curacel commission on admin order export sheet has been added
  4. Users can login or sign up on the travel insurace app.

  1. Sign up modal for new user account.

  1. Users can purchase Insurance on our travel insurance app.

  1. New users will be required to fill some information before buying insurance

  1. MobileConvert multi dimensional order info to json in admin email
  2. Users can modify their search on travel insurance app.

  1. Users can view more details to see the coverage benefits and summary

  1. An order for travel insurance from Paystack webhook has been created
  2. Successful message is sent after purchase is made.

  1. Input validations for travel filters on the travel portal added
  2. Partners get order confirmation emails
  3. Partner developers can enter my webhook URL and signature, so I can receive webhook events.

  1. Admins can search for an order by asset reference.

  1. Partners can receive a policy-created webhook event.
  2. Partners can also receive a discharge_voucher created webhook event.
  3. Webhook timeout and retries updated.
  4. Webhook feature documented.
  5. Admin can specify clause type for marine products.

  1. Partners can filter products by clause type
  2. Users can pay for insurance with their card on travel insurance app

  1. Users can see a list of insurance policies available from various insurance providers.