Grow Product Changelogs for 9th April, 2023

  1. The entire onboarding workflow and SLA/KYC requirements on the Grow Dashboard have been updated. The steps have been broken into Personal Information, Business Information, Support Levels, and SLA Signing stages
  1. On the Personal and Business Information tabs, we now accept country-specific address information only. For each country selected, the appropriate Region/State/ County is available for the user to choose from.
  2. We also updated the ID types for Personal KYC to be more country-specific. Only the acceptable ID types in a selected country are applicable.
  3. Company registration document uploads are now limited to the selected country.

  1. We now allow Partners to provide up to 3 support levels for issues escalation. This is also captured on the SLA document

  1. Partners can now sign SLAs digitally by uploading their signatures. Two signatories are allowed.

  1. You can also download the signed SLA document.