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Genrate API keys and authenticate your API calls

All endpoints on the API require an authentication to grant access to data for each request. Authentication and authorization for Curacel Auto are straightforward and easy.

Generating a Fresh API Key

You can re-generate a fresh token from your dashboard if one has been compromised.

Step 1: Login

Login to the Curacel Auto web application. For Sandbox, the app is available at sanbox and prod for sandbox and production environments respectively.

Step 2: Navigate to the setting page

Click on the Settings menu on the left menu bar

Navigation Settings

Step 3: Go to the developer settings pages

Click on the Developer tab

Developer Tab

Step 4: Generate Token

Click on the "Generate" Button. Please note that this will invalidate your current API key (if any). Please wait for the action to completed.

Generate Token

Step 5: Copy Token

Click on the Copy button to copy the API Key. It is important that you copy the token before navigating away from from the developer tab as you will not be able to do so afterwards without generating another token.

Copy Token

When you are done, click OK to hide the token.

Authenticating Requests

Authentication is done by passing your API Key as the value <token> in the format Authorization: Bearer <token> in the header of your request.

headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <API_KEY>'
'Accept': 'application/json',

Replace <API_KEY> with the actual key you generated and make your request.

📘 Keep Your Key Secret and Safe!

Your API key/token can be used to make unrestricted API calls by anyone. You should NOT share it with unauthorized parties and it must be kept secret at all times.