Grow Wallet
When a business gets its account approved on the Curacel Grow platform, a wallet is associated with the account. The wallet contains funds to be debited by Grow when a customer purchases an insurance product from your site or app; in other words, it contains the amount for each insurance purchase excluding your commission.
How Does it Work?
The wallet is used to store money meant for the payment of insurance purchases by customers.
As a business registered on the Curacel platform, when a customer makes an insurance purchase on your site, online store or app, Curacel takes the cost of the purchased insurance from your wallet.
Therefore, the customer pays you the full price of the insurance product (which includes commission), and behind the scenes, Curacel debits the cost of the product from your wallet (excluding the commission). The commission belongs to you while Curacel takes the cost of the product itself.
Next, check out how you can top up your wallet!