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Webhook for PA (Pre Authorization) Requests

This document details the webhook payload that providers/EMRs receive whenever an insurer either approves or rejects a PA (Pre Authorization) request created by them.


This feature is not generally available. Providers must reach out to the customer support team or the insurer to have it enabled. The insurer will add the provider's webhook URL to their dashboard to activate this feature.

Payload Structure

The payload sent to the provider's webhook URL is a JSON object with the following structure:

"status": "approved/declined",
"id_from_insurer": "string",
"ref": "string",
"pa_total_amount": "number",
"pa_approved_amount": "number",
"code": "string",
"created_at": "datetime",
"opened_at": "datetime",
"closed_at": "datetime",
"diagnoses": {
"icd_code_1": "diagnosis_name_1",
"icd_code_2": "diagnosis_name_2"
"services": ["service_name_1", "service_name_2"],
"hmo": {
"name": "string",
"code": "string"
"floating_enrollee": "(optional, an object containing the floating enrollee details submitted)",
"enrollee_insurance_no": "string (optional)",
"enrollee_full_name": "string (optional, only if the enrollee is not a floating enrollee)",
"reject_reason": "string (optional, only if status is declined)"

Payload Description

statusstringThe status of the PA request. It can be either Approved or Declined.
id_from_insurerstringThe unique identifier for the PA request assigned by the insurer.
refstringThe reference/identifier passed when creating the PA request.
pa_total_amountnumberThe total amount requested for the PA.
pa_approved_amountnumberThe amount approved by the insurer.
codestringThe unique PA request code.
created_atdatetimeThe datetime when the PA request was created.
opened_atdatetimeThe datetime when the PA request was opened.
closed_atdatetimeThe datetime when the PA request was closed.
diagnosesobjectAn object containing the ICD codes and corresponding diagnosis names.
servicesarrayAn array of strings, containing the names of each service requested in the PA request.
hmo.namestringThe name of the HMO/Insurer the PA request was created to
hmo.codestringThe code of the HMO/Insurer the PA request was created to
floating_enrolleeobject(Optional) If the PA request is for a floating enrollee, this field contains the details.
enrollee_insurance_nostring(Optional) The insurance number of the enrollee if it's not a floating enrollee
enrollee_full_namestring(Optional) The full name of the enrollee if it's not a floating enrollee
reject_reasonstring(Optional) The reason for rejection, provided only if the status is declined.

Example Payload

Here is an example of a webhook payload for an approved PA request:

"status": "Approved",
"id_from_insurer": "12345",
"ref": "yourRef",
"pa_total_amount": 5000,
"pa_approved_amount": 4500,
"code": "PA123456",
"created_at": "2024-07-29T12:34:56Z",
"opened_at": "2024-07-29T13:00:00Z",
"closed_at": "2024-07-29T14:00:00Z",
"diagnoses": {
"A01": "Typhoid fever",
"B02": "Zoster [herpes zoster]"
"services": ["Consultation", "Lab Test"],
"hmo": {
"name": "Wayne HMO",
"code": "BruceW"
"enrollee_insurance_no": "INS123456",
"enrollee_full_name": "John Doe"

And here is an example of a webhook payload for a rejected PA request:

"status": "Declined",
"id_from_insurer": "12345",
"ref": "yourRef",
"pa_total_amount": 5000,
"pa_approved_amount": 0,
"code": null,
"created_at": "2024-07-29T12:34:56Z",
"opened_at": "2024-07-29T13:00:00Z",
"closed_at": "2024-07-29T14:00:00Z",
"diagnoses": {
"A01": "Typhoid fever",
"B02": "Zoster [herpes zoster]"
"services": ["Consultation", "Lab Test"],
"hmo": {
"name": "Wayne HMO",
"code": "BruceW"
"enrollee_insurance_no": "INS123456",
"enrollee_full_name": "John Doe",
"reject_reason": "Insufficient documentation provided"