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Create a new policy





    product_id string

    Product ID of the policy to be created

    chassis_number string

    Chassis number of the vehicle

    manufacturer string

    Manufacturer of the vehicle

    model string

    Model of the vehicle

    year string

    Year of manufacture of the vehicle

    vehicle_regno string

    Registration number of the vehicle

    engine_no string

    Engine number of the vehicle

    color string

    Color of the vehicle

    vehicle_type string

    Possible values: [Van, Cargo/Truck, Pick Up, SUV/Crossover, Saloon Car, Bus, Minivan, Trailer]

    Type of the vehicle

    email string

    Email of the user

    name string

    Name of the user

    phone string

    Phone number of the user

    gender string

    Possible values: [male, female]

    gender of the user

    address string

    Address of the user

    license_number string

    License number of the user

    license_expiry date

    License expiry date of the user



    id integer

    ID of the policy

    full_name string

    Full name of the user

    start_date string

    Start date of the policy

    policy_type string

    Possible values: [third_party, comprehensive]

    Type of the policy

    purchase_date string

    Date of purchase of the policy

    end_date string

    End date of the policy

    status string

    Status of the policy

    product string

    Name of the product

    premium string

    Premium of the policy

    policy_document string

    URL of the policy document

    policy_number string

    Number of the policy
