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List claims



This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of created claims.


Query Parameters

    search string

    Any text supplied here would be used to search claims any of the following

    • Policy number
    • customer email
    • customer name
    page integer

    Default value: 1

    The page of results

    per_page integer

    Default value: 15

    Maximum Number of results per page

    status string

    Possible values: [pending, approved, processing, discharge_voucher, settled]

    Filter the claims returned by its status.

    child_partner_id string

    The child partner key to get all claims belonging to the child partner



    data object[]
  • Array [
  • id integer

    The unique ID of the claim

    status string

    Current status of the claim

    policy object


    id integer

    The unique ID of the policy

    number string

    The policy number

    description string

    The description of the policy

    start_date date

    The start date of the coverage

    end_date date

    The end date of the coverage

    status string

    Current status of the policy

    amount_requested string

    The amount requested when creating a claim

    amount_approved string

    The amount approved for the claim

    currency string

    The currency of the amount

    created_at date

    The date and time the claim was created

  • ]
  • links object
    first string
    last string
    prev string
    next string