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List All Active Insurer Clients



Get list of active insurer clients. Note: This feature is only available to HMOs/Insurers.


Query Parameters

    page integer

    The presence of this param would return results in paginated format Better used together with the 'per_page' param

    This is used to indicate the offset from which results are fetched in paginated format.

    per_page integer

    Better used together with the 'page' param

    This is used to indicate the how many results are to be in an offset for pagination.



    page integer
    per_page integer
    total integer
    data object[]
  • Array [
  • id integer
    name string
    address string
    phone string
    email string
    is_active integer

    The status of the client where 1 is active.

    valid_until string
  • ]