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Create a quote for an insurance product



Get a quotation for an insurance product. This allows you to create a downlodable quote to send to a third party. In most cases, you would not need to do this.

If you are just looking to list available insurance products alongside their prices, please use the products or product endpoints and set the `?calculate_premium=1` query parameter, then the price of each product will be set in the `premium` field.

Please note that you may be required to provide some additional data via query parameters when the `calculate_premium=1` flag is set.



Details of the customer and the product to be quoted.

    product_code stringrequired

    the code of the insurance product to purchase

    customer_ref stringrequired

    the ref of the customer who owns this order, this would have been supplied when creating the customer

    payment_type string

    Possible values: [wallet, web_link, card]

    Default value: wallet

    How you would like to pay for the product.

    policy_start_date daterequired

    the start date of the intended policy coverage

    asset_ref string

    Meta field for this order. Will be included in webhooks

    asset_value floatrequired

    Value of the insured goods

    trip_frequency string

    Possible values: [single, recurring]

    Default value: recurring

    Single or recurring trip

    trips_per_day int32

    Required for recurring trips. This is the number of trips made per day.

    trip_days_per_year int32

    Required for recurring trips. Number of days in a year the trips are made (365 max)

    pickup_location stringrequired

    The pickup address of the shipment/parcel.

    dropoff_location stringrequired

    destination address of the shipment/parcel.

    attachments integer[]

    If this order has attachments, supply their IDs as an array. These attachments must have been previously created using the attachments endpoint.

    broker_premium_rate float

    For brokers only. The premium rate for the product.

    broker_taxes float

    For brokers only. A percentage of the premium to be added as tax

    premium_frequency string

    Possible values: [monthly, quarterly, annually]

    child_partner_id string

    If you are creating this order for a child partner, add the partner key to the request



    message string
    quote object
    id integer
    asset_ref string
    product_price float
    partner_commission float
    partner_commission_rate float
    amount_due float
    currency string
    company_name string
    description string
    policy_start_date date