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Update a quote



Update a previously created quote.



Details of the quotation to be updated.

    ref stringrequired

    the ref of the quotation to be updated.

    customer_ref string

    the ref of the new customer to update the quotation to, this should have been supplied when creating the customer

    asset_ref string

    The new asset_ref to.

    company_name string

    The updated company name.

    description string

    An updated description for this quote

    child_partner_id string

    The child partner key to update the quote for the child partner



    data object

    Product quotation

    id integer

    The unique ID of the quote.

    ref string

    unique reference of the quote.

    status string

    the current status of the quote.

    amount_due float

    the amount due for payment by partner, excluding the partner's commission

    policy_start_date date

    A provisional date when the policy coverage is due to start

    product_price float

    The cost of purchasing the product by policy holder, including the partner's commission.

    asset_ref string

    An optional identifier for the asset the insurance covers. You may set this to a value that uniquley identifies the asset on your database.

    currency string

    The currency of all monetary parameters.

    created_at date
    company_name string

    The name of your company

    product object

    An individual insurance product or plan

    title string

    The name of the product

    code string

    The unique identifier for technical purposes

    id integer

    Unique Id of the product.

    insurer object

    An insurance provider

    code string

    The unique code of the insurer

    name string

    The name of the insurer

    logo_url string

    A link to the Insurer's logo

    terms_conditions string

    Insurer's terms and conditions

    product type object

    A major category of insurance e.g Health, Automobile, Life, Gadget, Goods in transit, etc

    name string

    The generally accepted human friendly name

    slug string

    The unique identifier for technical purposes

    cover-benefits object

    list of the nefits covered.

    created-at string

    Date of product creation

    price integer

    Price of product

    premium-type string

    Define the product premium tier.

    premium-rate-unit integer
    premium-rate number
    premium number
    partner-commision-rate number
    min-premium string
    premium-rules string
    premium_frequency string

    Possible values: [monthly, quarterly, annually]

    Default value: annually

    customer object

    The the customer's information

    ref stringrequired

    Unique identifier for the customer on your system

    email stringrequired

    The customer's email address

    phone string
    first_name stringrequired
    last_name stringrequired