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Fetch Enrollee Benefits



Fetch the plan benefits of a single enrollee


Query Parameters

    id integer

    The ID of the enrollee. It is required if the insurance_no is not supplied

    insurance_no string

    The insurance number of the enrollee. It is required if the id is not supplied

    page integer

    The presence of this param would return results in paginated format Better used together with the 'per_page' param

    This is used to indicate the offset from which results are fetched in paginated format.

    per_page integer

    Better used together with the 'page' param

    This is used to indicate the how many results are to be in an offset for pagination.

    search string

    This is used to search for benefits attached to enrollee's plan by the key word supplied to it.

    The search is applied to the benefit's name.



    data object[]

    A paginated array of benefits attached to the enrollee's plan.

  • Array [
  • id integer
    type string
    name string
    limit_type string
    limit_value number
  • ]